Thank you for your interest in organizing a short course at the EGU General Assembly. The following guidelines can be of help when you organize your course.


  • Short courses (SCs) are primarily aimed at providing an interactive forum for participants of the General Assembly.
  • We favour courses that are open to all conference participants instead of being affiliated with a particular programme group.
  • Short courses are expected to focus on providing or discussing skills and abilities that are related to science.
  • No commercial activities are permitted during the course (e.g. sales). Courses on operating/running commercially available equipment or software are permitted.
  • No admission fee or course fee is permitted for participation in a short course.


EGU23 offers three different short-course (SC) formats:

  • On-site offline SCs taking place in a lecture room in Vienna without options for virtual attendance.
  • On-site online SCs (hybrid SCs) taking place in a lecture room inside the congress centre and also allowing virtual attendance.
  • Online-only SCs are pre-recorded short courses to be followed online on demand, with no physical event in the congress centre.

Condition and scheduling (all formats)

  • Short-course organizers are requested to apply for a short course during the public call for session proposals. Please place your proposal in the programme group SC and indicate which format you prefer. However, please note that this preference may be changed due to capacity constraints. A SC team member will contact the conveners.
  • Your short-course request will be handled by the SC programme group chairs and the programme committee chair. A draft SC programme will be available in autumn; however, please note that the final scheduling will take place at the programme committee meeting in February.
  • On-site short courses (on-site offline and hybrid) can have a maximum of two successive time blocks (one time block is 1 hour 30 minutes) from Monday to Friday. Conveners are asked to note in their application whether they wish to use more than one time block.
  • There is no automatic roll-over of courses from year to year. Like all other sessions at the EGU General Assembly, courses need to be proposed and will be subject to consolidation equally amongst all other courses.
  • The number of short courses that can take place during the General Assembly in one of the two on-site formats is limited due to the limited number of rooms available. The number of online-only short courses is also restricted due to the workload they might create to the EGU Office staff. Usually, about 20–30% of the proposed courses cannot be accommodated. All SC proposals can be subject to merge requests; the SC team may contact conveners and ask them to combine their proposed courses.
  • In addition, courses will be evaluated according to the following criteria and a ranked list will be built to fill the programme in agreement with the capacity constraints:
    • Breadth of the course's scope (impact on a wider field of science, disciplines, applications)
    • Degree of interdisciplinarity (for how many divisions does the course provide valuable information)
    • Availability of hands-on experience (clear preference for interactive, tutorial-like courses with respect to lecture-like styles)
    • Contribution/involvement of Early Career Scientists to/in the course
    • Emphasis on career development, networking, topics beyond pure science
    • Agreement with the EGU guidelines for short courses

On-site short courses (offline and hybrid)

Organizer responsibilities

  • All short-course participants and organizers, including panel speakers, must be registered for the General Assembly and pay the registration fee according to their category.
  • Organizers are free to select the content and the set-up of their course. The content should be of interest to (a discipline-crossing subset of) the community that the EGU represents and must be accepted by the short-course programme group chairs and the programme committee chair.
  • A number of rooms in the congress centre are reserved for the on-site short courses but the maximum capacity is 65 seats. If organizers require a room with more than 65 seats, they must make a note of this in their application, including a justification for why this is the case. Due to space limitations this will not always be possible but will be treated on a case-by-case basis. Short courses with more than 65 participants can only be scheduled in the 19:00–20:00 time block; during time blocks 1 to 5, oral sessions are in progress in all other rooms of the congress centre and short courses are an addition to the scientific programme of the General Assembly. The EGU is aware of the fact that short courses often attract larger audiences, but please accept these limitations. Online or hybrid short courses allow to overcome this restriction.
  • Organizers are responsible for promoting their short course. The EGU will promote short courses by listing them in the online programme. Mailing lists cannot be provided for data privacy reasons.
  • Short-course material can be uploaded to the short-course session page once the programme is finalized. A link to an external website hosting the short-course material can also be added.
  • To upload individual presentations from speakers, please add the the speakers via the session modification tool. As soon as they are added, they will be able to use the presentation upload.
  • Please be aware that it will not be possible to use your own computer for the presentation.
  • For hybrid short courses, organizers are asked to ensure that virtual attendees are included in the run of the short course. Please ensure to regularly check the chat section of the video conference software for questions raised by virtual attendees. Also, when questions are asked inside the room, please make sure to repeat these using the microphone to enable virtual attendees to listen to the discussion.


  • Rooms are available for a fixed time period and need to be vacated by the end of the short course to allow the next event to set up.
  • Rooms (theatre style) are equipped with a microphone, a video projector, a notebook including an Internet connection, and WiFi.
  • Technical assistance is provided in each short-course room.
  • For hybrid short courses, the notebook in the short-course room runs the video conference software Zoom and the lectern provides a webcam. Virtual attendees can then follow the presentations and ask questions through the embedded chat function.

Online-only short courses

  • Online-only short courses must be pre-recorded by the organizers using a recording platform of their choice. EGU can only accept the resulting file in mp4 format with a maximum size of 2–3 GB. The duration of the video must not be longer than the normal time block length (90 min). However, we strongly encourage to avoid such long short-course videos.
  • Videos can be uploaded in spring 2023. You can also provide your video by informing about your sharing platform (e.g. WeTransfer, Dropbox). This must also be done in spring 2023 to allow sufficient time for uploading the video on the Copernicus Vimeo Channel. The link is only available in the conference programme to registered attendees of the General Assembly.
  • Pre-recorded videos may be processed further to incorporate the EGU's corporate design
  • The videos will be available during a two-month time period around the EGU General Assembly.


Short-course programme group chairs:, Jenny Turton and Michael Dietze