This page contains information to help members of the EGU Programme Committee during the various stages of building the programme for the General Assembly.

Structure of the programme committee

The EGU Programme Committee (PC) has the following members:

  • EGU PC co-chairs;
  • EGU President, EGU Vice-President, EGU General Secretary, EGU Treasurer, EGU Executive Secretary;
  • Copernicus Meetings Conference Managers;
  • Programme group chairs;
  • PC Officers and Coordinators.

Each programme group (PG) includes the following:

  • PG chair;
  • PG scientific officers;
  • PG conveners, authors, and participants.

The PG chair is responsible for the organization of their PG programme at the General Assembly.

Current/upcoming tasks

PCI – abstract implementation & session tagging

  • Convener tool SOI for abstract implementation: in session organization phase I (SOI), conveners review abstracts in their session. They can transfer abstracts to another session or upload late abstracts. They can also discuss session merging with the PG chairs and PG scientific officers, and proceed with merging when needed. Session mergers are possible within and between programme groups.
  • Session threshold: sessions with a small number of abstracts (4 or less) will be cancelled. Authors are informed and asked to indicate a new session for their abstract.
  • Convener tool SOII for session tagging: during session organization phase II (SOII), conveners provide information on no-overlap and back-to-back requests, among others, as well as on estimated desired room size.
  • Finalize SOI and SOII if not finished by session conveners: after the conveners' deadlines for SOI and SOII have expired, the PG Chair will be asked to finalize the SOI and SOII tools for their PG sessions that are still open (i.e. conveners have not finished). Detailed instructions are provided within the PCI tool.
  • Session similarity: if a significant number of keywords or words in a session's title and description are similar with one or more sessions, these sessions are listed as potentially similar, with the option to contact the conveners to eventually agree on a merger. Please carefully check these sessions that are flagged as similar, and make sure that they are distinct and/or complementary.
  • Session mergers: sessions that received few submissions (but were not cancelled) have to be merged. Sessions that are very similar in scope can also be merged for a more coherent programme. Conveners and PG Chairs can merge sessions in SOI. It is advised that, once a merger is decided, authors are informed by conveners and given time to eventually request a transfer of their abstract to a different session. Then, the procedure for finalizing the merger of sessions is as follows:
    1. Discuss which session will form the basis for the new session.
    2. Update the title, abstract, and list of conveners of this base session.
    3. Mark all abstracts in the other session for transfer into the new (base) session.
    4. Accept all those abstracts in the new base session. The result is that the base session for the merger now contains the abstracts of both sessions, while the other session contains no abstracts and can then be withdrawn (i.e. removed).

    It is recommended that the convener list, session title, and description are adapted in the case of a session merger. This is to guarantee the best representation of the ideas, topics, and targeted communities of all sessions involved in the merging.

    The session’s title and description can be adjusted by the main convener or any of the co-conveners of the new (base) session through the session modification tool. The list of co-conveners, however, can only be adjusted by the main convener of the new (base) session. We recommend to keep the number of conveners at a maximum of 5 conveners (at least two active conveners, 1 convener and 1 co-convener). However, if justified, merged sessions can have a maximum of 7 conveners (1 main convener and 6 co-conveners).

  • Rejected abstracts: in the PCI tool, PG chairs are asked to review the abstracts rejected by a convener for possible acceptance in another session or PG. Please check carefully these abstracts.
  • Similar abstracts: PG chairs are also asked to check those abstracts in which an analysis found substantial similarities to other submissions. Double submissions should be withdrawn.
  • Abstract acceptance: as part of the PCI tool, authors are informed about the acceptance (or not) of their contribution by a letter of acceptance. This letter does not yet state the form of presentation nor inform about scheduling issues.

PCII – scheduling

PCIII – presentation sequencing

Before and at the conference, usage of the PG mail tool

Previous tools/tasks

Building the session programme

PC support ranking (PCSR)